40/365 Mean, Moody & Grainy

..........just like me today! :) Actually it was a pretty tough and full on day in the *Corporate Circus* (I would be the Lion Tamer, clearly...) I could feel as my Mum so colourfully says "the top of my head about to come off and go flying around the room!" So before i went home (and dove head first into a bottle of wine) i drove to the Eton playing fields and deliberately took a shot with the express intention of making it B&W, and as contrasty and grainy as i possibly could, to create an air of sinister expectation....... SO SATISFYING! Now i feel all rebalanced and calm, who knew i could vent my spleen via the medium of photography, as well as all those many other ways i find it possible to vent!

1 comment:

  1. The picture makes me think of a November autumnal afternoon...
