142/365 MORE rain! I mean *seriously* !

This summer is fast becoming a total wash out literally, all the sunniest weather happens during the week, while I stuck am inside in the office in minus 40 degree air conditioning with a coat and gloves on (well ok, not quite, but almost) The weekends are then made up of nothing but monsoon style rain showers and hot steamy, sweaty days! YUCK! But the lilies in my garden are about to burst into flower, and the rain drops on them do look pretty spectacular, so as usual I can almost always find a silver lining in any rain cloud! 

PS. I couldn't resist taking a photo of my spur of the moment footwear, rather than run up and downstairs for my own shoes, I  nicked the BF's work shoes for a quick photo shoot in the garden, I think they could be the next big fashion hit after  "Boyfriend Cardigans // Boyfriend Jeans" comes "Boyfriend Shoes" !?!? yes // no ?


  1. Wow 2 out of 3 photos are amazing! Not so sure about the fashion statement :)

  2. yeha yeah you wont say that when i am on the catwalks at London Fashion Week!
