158/365 I wasn't going to complain when it got hot...

.......but its SO hot and humid at the moment, its like living inside a Turkish Bath! No point in putting make up on as it slides right off again! The *good* news is its going to heavily rain tomorrow, I am so hoping that it clears the air! My head is not a fan of this weather, and research backs up my theory that if you are a migraine sufferer like I am, you are much more likely to be struck down in weather like this! Researchers who monitored 7,000 patients with headaches serious enough to make them seek treatment at a hospital A&E department found the main trigger was a rise in temperature in the previous 24 hours. The risk of a severe headache rose by 7.5 per cent for every 5C rise in temperature. Falls in barometric pressure in the previous 48 to 72 hours also had an effect. About 18 per cent of women and 6 per cent of men suffer from migraines, which are known to be set off by triggers, including certain foods, alcohol, stress and hormones. But controversy has surrounded the supposed link with the weather until now. So bad weather -  check, stress (from work) - check, alcohol (to deal with stress from work) - check, hormones (always!) it's just food that isn't tipping the balance for me this week, I may as well go have a long lay down nowI think!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I just have to remember how cold my work unit gets in winter and how the thermals are worn week in week out, to remember as hot as it is I will not complain :)
