304/365 Thought for the day!

I bought this over a month ago, but since I also bought it for some Christmas presents I didn't want to write about it in case people then ran out and bought one too! Keeping a diary was one of my 24 in 12 resolutions  and I knew I wouldn't keep dedicated to a proper full page one, so this was the ideal "inbetweener" you basically write a little thought or note or update on your day, fill in the year and then move on, and there's room for 5 years of memories, so that each year it builds and you can look back on what you were doing last year, and the year before that etc etc! I am so looking forward to looking back over 4 years, when I am filling in the 5th slot, and hoping that there are hundreds of happy wonderful memories to look back on! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's a great idea and 5 years is such a long part of anyone's life the results will be so interesting :)
