21/365 Card display

I am notoriously NOT that kind of gal that leaves birthday and anniversary cards up for weeks, maybe not even days! I am so neat and tidy at home, that it frankly annoys me to have them cluttering up surfaces for more than about 48 hrs! With our wedding cards though, we were lucky enough to be given SO many, and with so many to open and read, I don't feel like I have given enough of them the time and attention they deserved. So many of them are both beautiful on the outside and have some wonderful word of love and advice for married success on the inside, I wanted to take me time to appreciate them and read and re read them, before they go in the gorgeous keepsake box I have on order. So to satisfy my neat - freak tendencies, I re used the technique I used to hang my previous 365 project photos, and nailed in some tiny tacks and hung them with string the same colour as my wall, and then hung them all over the string, making them easy to pull off and read, re arrange or whatever! Photography wise, I then applied a "1960's" filter through picasa and scalloped the edges in to give a tiny vintage vibe :)
Aww how very cute! You gorgeous thing!x