146/365 Black mood, much like the weather!

“The pathetic fallacy or anthropomorphic fallacy is the treatment of inanimate objects as if they had human feelings, thought, or sensations.The word 'pathetic' in this use is related to 'pathos' or 'empathy' (capability of feeling In the discussion of literature, the pathetic fallacy is similar to personification. Personification is direct and explicit in the ascription of life and sentience to the thing in question, whereas the pathetic fallacy is much broader and more allusive. "Personification" is a more obtrusive and formal use of human traits attributed to natural objects. For example, "the sea is angry at us" would be pathetic fallacy, but when the sea assumes a human form such as a sea god, that is overt personification.”

So now we have cleared that up… I can tell you that I feel like the sky outside today (and pictured above) and have no further need of illustrative words to describe !?

1 comment:

  1. The first paragraph needs translating :o) Let's hope your mood is better today and we have sunny skies...
