A photographic attempt to capture beauty in the everyday world
153/365 Celebration treat!
You may or may not have gathered if you are reading my posts regularly (if not why not!?! *sulk*) that my boyfriend is moving in with me. (Along with all of his cars! :) In fact this Saturday is "M" Day (moving day!?) (Although goodness knows what's left to move now, as I already have more cars / car parts / speakers and PC's in myOUR house than I can shake a stick at!) But in all seriousness, I am really excited to take this awesome step together, and can't wait to go to sleep and wake up with him every day (even though its like waking the dead getting him out of bed in the morning!!) So I wanted to buy a little something to commemorate the moment, and have been doing some research on Etsy (which if you are a girl and you haven't checked out yet do so now!!) And I found these beautiful handmade silver pieces, made to order by SoulPeaces The designer Heather says: "Ilove imperfect jewellery that is noticeably and obviously handmade. I begin by cutting my idea out of sterling sheet metal, then form, fabricate, sand to a satin brushed finish and assemble. The way a piece is put together can make it that much more unique. I tend to like everything unbalanced and irregular but also intricate. Living in Southern California, I am inspired by my love for all that is natural and close to the soul… music, poetry, the ocean, the stars and moon, anything vintage and industrial" So I picked out two tiny leaves one with an "R" for the man, and one with a "J" for me, hanging together on a tiny detailed branch, as representation of us living now in the same tree (so to speak, I mean my house is slightly larger and more luxurious than a tree house :) I ordered it last week and since it's handmade to order, and then shipped from the US I was amazed when I received it today and DELIGHTED since I had been excitedly checking e mail and the post tray at work every day! It's even more lovely than I had imagined and means I will never forget the excitement of M Day and the start of a new chapter together! (this is a very soppy post today isn't it!?!?!) xx
A perfect idea to celebrate the event :)