Sunshine & Shadow

The weather in the UK has been terrible for weeks now, grey clouds and sky and rain everyday, it doesn't make you want to jump outside with your camera and capture the splendour of spring! But this morning at 7am I woke up to sunshine, I had almost forgotten what it looked like :) And I realised that I missed even the simplest of things about spring and summer like waking up to blue skies and the garden lit up by early morning sun, and even the shadows cast by strong sunlight through the trees outside my windows onto the wall in my bedroom. I like the abstract nature of these shots, it could be smoke, or water and is somehow very peacful to look at.


  1. Aww this is very sweet, I guess I wasn't lying in the bed at the time! Looks like we have a forest outside!x

  2. Very creative especially at such an early hour :)
